wp-1467318706617.jpgHer legs were bound.. I tied her left arm to the rack, and as I blinded her with a velvet scarf I had selected, I lit her a cigarette. I placed it gently between the fingers of her right hand. She took a drag, pulled in an erratic breath, and when she exhaled, she shivered from her toes, through her thighs.. On up through her torso until her mouth was quivering. I felt her nervousness. It was thick, and her skin started to glisten as anticipation turned to excitement within her. She was slow to take the next drag, as I asked her to prepare herself for whatever may Be next… She giggled slightly, and asked what she should expect. As she spoke, the sound of fear grew in her voice. I simply let out a low growl as I took the barely burned cigarette from her hand.

I then ran my hand from below her ear, down the side of her neck, and along the top of her shoulder then down her arm. I grabbed her right wrist firmly, and pressed it against the metal rack. As I made the first wrap with the leather binding, She whimpered audibly. Her thoughts screamed with panic as I finished tying her off. I stood in front of her and sniffed at the air by her ear.. The mixture of her sweat, the floral fragrance of what she bathed with and the scent of her fear in the air invigorated me! I leaned into her neck and felt her pulse with my tongue.. Her heartbeat raced incredibly. Her breathing was feverish and shallow. This was the moment she had unknowingly been waiting for. I felt her bracing herself for her body to succumb to whatever my desires brought to her. Her body heat rose as if a fire burned within her veins. I smiled triumphantly as I circled her. Once behind her, I grabbed her dark hair and pulled her head to one side. This exposed the flesh between her neck and shoulder. She gasped loudly and her legs began to shake spasmatically.. I let out a hungry growl as I bared my teeth, and as my eyes turned red, I bit down.. And so it began..