This is not the person you think. I really think you should spend an hour with me. Watch my video.

You should really watch my Facebook video.

You need to know a lot of things.

And I have some stuff and things to say

And I am going to change the world

God made something special in me and I hope you choose to work on acceptable of change being absolutely mandatory on Earth. Because if you are going to refute me, or if you come against me, you are wrong and I am here to correct you.

Watch my video and do yourself a favor

I am nothing like stupid

And my information is priceless

More importantly it is an announcement

Once I get up to speed, once I am honed into the wordsmith master I was created to be, my tongue is a weapon which you have no defense and you won’t touch me if I don’t want you to and we are not the same animal at all. I am with genuinely goodness driven spiritual well-being and what man thinks is God like is garbage.

Rocking the boat is my intention

And I am a pretty darned good boat


You fucking know I have always been a rock star in my heart.

I learned to play air guitar at two

And, you ain’t never seen me rock a microphone

And I do not give one a fuck about what none y’all motherfucmers think.

But, if you have watched I hope you join in the change.

If you don’t watch my video then I promise if we run into each other

We are DEFINITELY having a conversation that is .. to say uncomfortable would be a really big step up for you

And you are not prepared for this conversation

I promise you

Watch my fucking video

Cause your tiny ego

Can not

Take one hit

From my tongue

And although you will look visibly fine

On the inside, IN YOUR SOUL,

It will feel as though you are bent over

A pile of vibrating demon dildos

While being fucked by Satan himself

With a strap on

Plus his ten foot evil penis

In your soul

And you won’t know why

But you really hurt

Like really hurt


With nobody knowing a

Thing because you look

Exactly like the


You always do

Watch my video and spend an hour with me

Do yourself a big favor

Get over yourself and watch my

Facebook video

Or don’t

Bananas if you don’t

Cause you’re just one of


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