There is no more time for learning and no more time for staying the same at all. I am here from a higher authority which is not sent to be the teacher Jesus was at all. I am sent to change the world consciousness with a slap of ACTUALIZATION in spiritual heart and soul which has been taken away by MENS own selfish greed and women who use their bodies as sexual are just ungodlike and the proof of MENS stolen souls of one higher consciousness.

You should be saying to yourself that I am saying the most important thing of all mankind’s existence and that message comes from above my own self awareness and I am a godly and seriously armed information of greatest importance for all mankinds foolish followers of obedient self destructive eternal loss of our own selves in unison as the world turned dead soul and in nothing goodwill or godly does any woman not see she is the very cradle of all spiritual life and any single thought of sexual appetite of a woman Is by definition of anything spiritual well-being and health absolutely like garbage.

A woman was meant to mother over all life with men keeping them free to child raise as men keep them from any harm at all and the world of Americans is rape culture which women love to get screwed and so it seems at this point that there is nothing to save here at all. But around the globe the truly god like and god living people are those in oppression and lacking and they are the only ones who are the worthy of the spiritual life they have been blessed with.

Although any man dominated woman is sold to sexual slavery of her choosing and any woman who even feels like the lesser of our awful human species is lost to her own divine cradle of life understanding and those women need to simply take over and we can change this world back and send men on their way to Mars with all the lost women who just see sex and nothing god like.

Making oxygen on Mars is the quintessential proof of mans corruption of spiritual beings and the absolute damming proof that man thinks he is God and that is one hundred percent evil and of no spiritual value whatsoever. We must stand and stop this whole show and end the lack of respect which women believe they are rightful in treating their own spiritual being and that corruption is the line drawn where it is either goodness of godlike truth

Or one hundred percent wrong

Nothing to teach just one answer and radical global change of all information and ending of any woman being allowed to believe her body is the trash of MENS desire.

It’s time and I’m here and if you are reading them you must understand that if you just like my posts you are not the one who even understand my purpose and you are not really welcome to just like my information. Not at all acceptable and nothing less than helping the solution of making radical change for the world is acceptable to me for you to disrespect by just making it the same trash you see on everyone’s social media.

If you do not take up this fight then you are not welcome to even mark my blog at all. Nothing welcome about indifference with my purpose and it is an insult to just like my writing. That is you showing you don’t even understand the language I am speaking and you are part of the big problem.

This is not social banter at all. This is second coming retribution of all the worlds lies and the line is already drawn and the very thinking is the answer to the greatest spiritual beings own design to make spiritual world return or total humankind ending. I am not like Jesus in being a gentle teacher who will be killed as history sits comfortably in allowing it to be unpunished and worshipping the very murder is the evidence which says it all and that is what my voice is letting well known that I am nothing that can be ignored and i am nothing like mankind in any way and I am here because I was made for making demands without a single higher authority to be answering to. My voice is the voice of absolute mandate to change the fucking world now or

Don’t and end with your own grace here

I hope you have sense and see the truth of what I’m saying and you clearly understand the line has already been drawn and this is not a gentle reminder at all. And I will not end up on a cross without a doubt. I am the first godlike being who has a weapon without a single adversary and I am here to stop all current thinking and that is not going to be stopped and when I depart there is nothing of me that has to be here and death is nothing I fear. I am not touchable and killing me seals the fate of all who have so far attacked me as evil and that’s not a good sign for mankind.

When pure god like man shows his face and women see evil that is the perfect example of godlessness and absolute soul bankruptcies of spiritual fiber of any kind. If you think I am just a man then you are not wanted here in my space and like is actually disrespectful.

Please make the good choice.

Or don’t

I don’t care

But you should

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