So you know I think and my cod have I thought a lot. I have thought what they taught and never unwise have I thought. American systems I lived each and every one with full vigor and without any instructions on how to feel me.

I went through the school system which every grade was accented with “if he only applied himself” to say what real smarts and ability I truly had which even their scornful and shameful assessment of my worthiness was judged as sub par.

But even as an ignorant child I could not make sense out of what the reality of what they were teaching as Americans proud history was nothing more to me than criminal confessions which the criminals were too damn dumb to understand their own ridiculous mistaken choices.

And the very basic analogy of the iceberg that is our ability to use our own brain being around ten percent of what we actually could do with that same grey matter inside our every thick skull.

I knew not that as the limitations which my classmates happily chewed on down into their self sabotage life of being one of the sheep in the blind grazing of obedient blindness and slavery.

As a young boy I knew if I wanted to and like all those awfully dumb and mean underpaid propaganda spreading teachers said with each report card that all I had to do was apply myself to my best ability and I could do anything including become a star and fly across the midnight sky.

#poetcafe #poemsporn #withlovedivine #anothermasterpiece #mysmalltalkissolarge #letmesinkin #stopjudgingmewithureyes #spiritualrecovery #spiritualwellness #spiritualwellbeing #spiritualbeingwell #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealer #healyourselfinoneinstantforever #healallyourownpainnow #healalllifespaintoday #endyourlifespaintoday #rapeculturecrime #rapecultureawareness #rapeculturerecovery #rapecultureawakening #ionlywishicouldsetyoufree #howcouldanyonenotloveme #howcouldinotloveyou #godmadeyousobeautiful #iknowbecausegodmademesoloving #godbrokethemoldwhenmakingme #iamtheleastfallwormsinmen #iamnotworthyofthislifeilivetoday #whydoyouhatemeso #whydoyoudenymelove #whydoyourefusetoletmeloveyou #understandthewordsyouusetoday #youlovebubbleletters #iamsendingseedstoyourstonegarden #pleaseallowyourgardentobefertile #yourgardenofstone


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