Biblical Devotees, Those Who Just Love Quoting Biblical Verses, The Holier Than Thou, Congregational Pew Sunday Entitled and The “WWJD/ Jesus On Board” Idiots Who Can’t Learn With All The Hindsight In The World(Otherwise Aptly Named “My Shit Don’t Stink In Pews”)

It is written that there will be men

it is written these men will do things

So it has been foretold that these men doing things will do more things

and those self same men shall come to do stuff

these men of such things doing stuff will let stuff be done before them

these stuffs done before these men having done things will be good stuff and things done

for it had been spoken that these men will not only do stuff and things but, they will also do things to stuff

these stern men of things stuffing stuff into things will claim to do stuff and things as well

these loud men of things in stuff with stuffing in things of stuff will shout loudly some stuff

while the shouting stuff men of things will surely stuff more things into things while stuff is done to things

it has been foretold that other men with stuff and things will want more stuff and things to stuff in things

they say these men with things and stuff who stuff things in stuff and other things will find great things to stuff into other things

crowds of men with things will watch some other men with stuff and things do stuff with their things as they stuff their things into stuff

those vast crowds of men without stuff but with some things will shout to those men with things stuffed into other stuff and things that they wish they had their own stuff with things to stuff into other things

but, lo those original men who had things and stuff which they had freely stuffed into things would cry “nay! Nay we say! For we are the only ones who may stuff our things into those other stuff and things and we will never allow you to own stuff to put into our things and we will take your things and add to our stuff and things we stuff into things and other stuff too”

and so it is written..

and other stuff and things..

so they say??

it is just stuffing things into other things and stuff.

so it has always been done.

stuff and things and men with things and men with stuff and things will both wish to stuff their things into other things and stuff

this is the word of great minded men of things with stuff and things they know about some stuff and things and they know great things about stuff so maybe you should do some stuff or maybe try some things

men with things they stuff into things and stuff say stuff and things matter so do some things to get some stuff and you will be just the same as men with things and stuffing things into other things with lots of stuff to stuff into things..

you can be men with stuff and things too

that’s what those men with things say for you to stuff up your thingy

so do some stuff and things

that’s what is written so you better do some thing before the stuffing in those things is stuffed into some thing you don’t wish to have stuff stuffed into your own thing

before it is too late!!

do some stuff and things!

time runneth short men without stuff or things so act with great haste and get some stuff to stuff into things before your things get stuffed into your own thing and you are stuffed with things

hurry and do some things and stuff

they told you it’s almost too late to do any things with stuff and things

that’s what he said anyway.

I dunno.

it’s some stuff and things

make sense to you???

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