Is there anybody there listening….?

Tis been quite some time since I have paid any attention to my WordPress efforts, in truth writing here has not even held procrastinating intents to even check in/ up at all. I truly know not if, beyond the visible aspects of my account if someone may be aware that I or some version of myself exists…

The inner debate regarding self importance vs. self loathing is a really e-stupido-h exercise I never fail to participate in every single time the very idea of anyone besides myself paying any mind to whatever I may or may not do, and I try to find some way to inquire about such a concept…. (ideally this could have been easily managed, had conversations come about rather than those diabolical “like” button poots in the elevator that was my searching for any one understanding…)

Jesus wept!!! What was once a river of thought that never made any difficulty for me to imagine something inspiring, and be able to put those ideas into sentences, paragraphs etc… that. has all but entirely dried up. Now, I can never even put two sentences or phrases into writing, and the very effort quickly leaves me feeling as though exhaustion is #1 response to just trying to use the gray matter betwixt my ears.

I imagine I could follow that ludicrous thought process unto gassing myself out pointlessly. Rather than that, I want to make an announcement of some sort, or share what is the current event that inspired me to at least try to make some effort to connect once more with my blog if not another sentient life form in the space/ time continuum. There is actually significant reasoning for me to do this besides fishing for likemindedness. 🙂

As of 15 minutes ago I now have the 2nd album put together in a collection of “songs” numbering 13, and I have my 2nd CD recorded and ready to take out into Longview to share with others!! This 2nd album is still solely instrumental, albeit entirely constructed as a collection of BEATS.

Vamphyrii Metallurgy’s “Metallurgist’s Beats Vol. #1” is the follow up to my 1st release which was titled “Heart, Beats & Missing You”.. a gathering of melodies in ballad concepts, quite a bit less aggressive than my 2nd CD.

I still have been using Apple Music to at least keep everything in one application-ish, but I am now down to just having my MacBook and, no iPhone, or iPad at all… I have been reduced to using an android phone now, and I am unabashedly being aged into uselessness by the piece of crap phone and losing one account after another at breakneck speed by the biggest piece of shit ever shaped like a portable phone!! lolol!

In all seriousness, I hope to get my SSI benefits sooner than later and hopefully be able to at least purchase some model of iPhone or iPad to end my being stripped of viability electronically by the android from dumbass hell on Earth.

All that said, I hope to rally and present something worthy of noticing within a day or two, and somewhere out there someone gets a little rattle letting them know progress is still being made:) For the moment I want to simply say I wish you all the blessings which are so deserved and I hope your hearts are joyous and happiness is yours always.

Blessings always everyone,

A. Prophett. May 3,2024